Love And Marriage - Revitalise Your Marriage By Working On Attraction

Love shows in many forms. The love of a mother for her baby, the love of a friend, the love of family, the love of a pet, the love of nature, but the most special of all relates to love and marriage. Work on love to save your marriage

Love in marriage is the ultimate emotional union between two human beings. There are different levels of emotional union and all are important, but marriage is special because it is where two people share everything, physically, emotionally and spiritually. In marriage a man and a woman bond together as one. They are soul mates. A soul mates mate is a person with whom you have a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, sex, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and compatibility. Finding your soul mate is the ultimate romantic bond you can achieve with another person. A soul mate is a romantic partner, with the implication of an exclusive lifelong bond.

Marriage is the highest form of love where two soul mates fuse together to become one and return to the ultimate being. Both partners in a marriage bring different things to the relationship. Their views may be the same or complementary.. Two different people bringing different things to the marriage is what makes the relationship exciting and dynamic. Marriage is a didactic relationship where a man and a woman brought together in love achieve a greater result than the two working alone.

Marriage is the complete union of mind, body and soul. Nakedness in a marriage is a symbol of that union because there is nothing to hide. This total union of mind, body and soul does not happen overnight. Love and marriage is the key to a happier life. However even if it is love at first sight you need to keep working on the union. Work on love to revitalise your marriage.

The total union of two souls takes time. Build it up in stages, and enjoy each stage. There will be set backs from time to time but the set backs don't matter - it is the way you deal with those set backs that is important. Have an action plan to work on problems together, but interestingly, problem solving is not the key to a happy, successful marriage. Love is.

Like Adam and Eve, temptation occurs when you think that the grass is greener on the other side of the mountain. But it is not. You may not have the chance to reach the mountain top again so work on keeping at the top rather than falling down the other side. It is no small effort to arrive at the top of the mountain so once you get there, enjoy it.

Share interests and do exciting things together in the marriage. Every so often this may need compromise from one partner, but the time invested will be well worth it. But also have some time out, some personal space to do your own thing. That way you will not get claustrophobic and will enjoy each other even more.

So what happens when the marriage is not successful? Why does that exclusive lifelong bond break? You have been seeking one another throughout the ages. Despite having bonded as soul mates, you are now considering separation. Does karma play a role? Or is the answer simpler than that?

In order for soul mates to find each other there has to be attraction to draw them together. And what sparks attraction for a woman to a man? - Leadership. And what sparks attraction for a man to woman? - Fertility.

The law of attraction dates back to of Adam and Eve. The evolutionary theory of attraction indicates that the main attraction of a man to a woman is due to fertility and that the main attraction of a woman to a man is due to his qualities to provide and protect. One of the main reasons for a conjugal/romantic relationship is reproduction and the procreation of mankind. That is how we humans are biologically programmed. It is controlled by the subconscious mind.

It goes back to the caveman days and involves the hunter instinct. When men first meet a new girlfriend the hunter quality is very strong in them. They show off their leadership skills - they ask you out; they pay for the meal; they open the door; they ask you to marry them. And women because of their biological instincts are subconsciously attracted to this behaviour - they fall so much in love with this potential partner; this provider; this potential father of her children.

It goes without saying therefore, that when a marriage fails that the attraction has died. The bond of attraction holding the union together has failed. The secret to saving a marriage lies in rebuilding that attraction. And how do you do that?

The answer lies in leadership. You need to work on the male leadership skills in order to rekindle the hunter instinct in him so that he becomes that amazing, compelling, dynamic, charismatic leader which first attracted the female soul mate. And let her biology look after of the rest. Your sex drive will be reactivated. You will fall passionately in love once more. Love and marriage is the key to a happier married life. Work as a team on it and your marriage will be revitalised. 

Is This Romance or Are You Just Friends? 4 Simple Ways to Find The Truth

How can you tell if it's romance or if you're just friends? Are there ways to tell what he's actually feeling, short of bugging his friends or him by pestering them for answers? Can his body language tell you anything? Did he mean what you though he did, or something else entirely, when he said what he just said? Can you ever truly know how he feels without questioning him directly?

Let's take the time to take a look at how, in a few fairly simple steps, a close friendship can grow and bloom into the next stage of actual romance, and you can know what exactly he wants! Curious? Then keep reading...

First, don't be afraid to just come right out and tell him how you feel.

Don't be shy; open up a little. Take a chance. You don't have to whack him in the head with a blunt object to let him know that you'd like to take things in a different, more interesting (i.e., romantic) direction, but if he doesn't have any idea that you're interested, he may be reluctant to tell you how he really feels. Chances are he'll be flattered that you find him attractive in that way. And if not, then it's better to know that now than to hope for something that's never going to happen. Wouldn't you agree?

Second, don't expect too much too soon!

Don't obsess about getting a direct answer. And if you get an unexpected response, don't jump to conclusions about what it means (or doesn't mean)! Honestly, some of my most incredible relationships started with us being "just friends" and seemed destined to stay in that mode until, suddenly, they just "blossomed" into... romance! Besides, if your friendship is ever going to stand a chance of working out as a romantic relationship, you have to develop a solid friendship first.

Third, don't play games.

Be authentic. Be honest. Be open about your feelings. There isn't a one-size-fits-all playbook for taking a "just friends" relationship to the next level. In fact, it may never happen at all. But, if you're not authentic and honest and open with him (and yourself!), it won't really matter whether it does or not, because a relationship built on lies is doomed to fail.

On the other hand, if you stay completely authentic, open, and honest about who you are, what you feel, and what you're hoping for, if it does bloom into romance, the relationship will be built on solid ground and will have a much greater chance of succeeding over the long haul.

Fourth, get a love reading from a credible psychic.

Don't laugh: did you know that the group of people most likely to get a psychic reading are professional, college-educated women between the ages of 25-55? And the one thing they're looking for advice about more than any other is love and romance. That's right, the biggest audience for psychic readings are ordinary people just like you and me who are looking to find out if their true soulmate is already in their lives.
